Where Women Control Their Own Bodies

Providing our clients with a new perspective of their bodies and health

SHE Health Closed September 6th But Will Be Open For Limited Services…

It is with sadness that we closed our women’s health office here in Bozeman, Montana.

This is a difficult time for healthcare, and especially women’s health. Medical insurance premiums for solo practitioners have risen substantially, insurance reimbursements have been cut by 10-15%, and we are facing increased costs and shortages of supplies. Simply put, SHE Health can no longer operate as a private solo practice in this community without additional support that is just not available.

It has been a great 4 years here in Bozeman. Who could have anticipated the COVID pandemic, historic shifts in overturning Roe v. Wade, and the incredible influx of people into our community?

We are remaining open on a limited basis to do BIRTH CONTROL, Female sterilizations, Gynecological Surgery consults and more BIRTH CONTROL! This is what Bozeman needs RIGHT NOW!  Some Same day appointments AVAILABLE. CALL US To ASK and LEAVE A MESSAGE OR EMAIL .

Health and Wellness

Focus on Birth Control and Finding which Options are good for you!  Also Healthy Weight Discussions free of Stigma! Getting healthy for pregnancy and for mental wellbeing!  

Appointments Available-Urgent Birth Control!

Appointments for consultations, Birth Control, and Sterilizations.  Currently seeing patients on a limited basis until we have more help and a clear path–but we are here for you–or can direct you to someone who can help. WE TAKE: Blue Cross/Blue Shield/ Anthem, Pacificsource, Aetna, Cigna, United Healthcare, EBMS and ALLEGIANCE.  We are sorry we don’t […]

FEMALE TUBAL STERILIZATIONS (permanent birth control)

We do salpingectomies!  This is for permanent, irreversible birth control. Want to find out more–watch Dr. Putnam @ TIKTOKVAGDOC and her video about what is sterilization and how we do it.


“She Actually Took the Time to Listen to Me”

“I want to cry. I had seen 3 other doctors and they refused to tie my tubes. I travelled from Kalispell because I saw her on Reddit and all the reviews were so right. She met with me, talked to me about what the procedure would be like, told me that it couldn’t be reversed and even took the time to draw pictures to explain.  I am so grateful she is here! Thanks Dr. Putnam”

-C.D. back in Kalispell

SHE Health:  What Next?…READ BELOW

SHE Health: What Next?…READ BELOW

WE ARE OPEN ON A **LIMITED BASIS** We have appreciated all your calls and support since we closed last month Bozeman! This is our hope: To reopen and be a one stop Birth Control (i.e, abortion prevention!) and Sterilization (Take out your tubes for permanent birth control equals no more babies!) and even Vasectomies (yes–Men, […]

Follow Dr. Putnam on TikTok!

Follow Dr. Putnam on TikTok!


August Update on SHE Health closing and what next?

August Update on SHE Health closing and what next?

As the only women’s health doctor in Bozeman in private practice, I am sadly closing my clinic as you may have heard. Although my practice has been a true joy for me, there are too many obstacles for me at this time to keep it open.  My hope, like most Montanans, is to expand our […]

We accept Blue Cross Blue Shield, Pacific Source, Cigna/Allegiance, and United Health.